Online slots offer a practical addition to USB tokens if you use HDClone or HDShredder on online systems. On offline systems, you can still work flexibly with the USB token.
Activate and run HDClone instantly on any system that has a permanent internet connection without a USB token. Eliminate time and location constraints that can occur when working with a USB token.
Enhance these products with online slot activations:
Older versions are ineligible.
Advantages at a glance
Preconditions for online slots
*) Internet connection must be continuously active while using HDClone. High latency, low bandwidth is sufficient. Can be LAN, WLAN or WIFI.
How To Get Started In Just 5 Steps
Step 1: Order one or more online slots in the Miray Online Shop[/url].
Step 2: Once you place your order, the slots will be added to your license during office hours, usually within the same business day. The slot will be instantly ready for use.
Step 3: Once the slots have been added, you will receive an email with a download link. Please use this link to redownload the program package. The online slots will then be instantly ready for use.
Step 4: Start a process. An activation dialog will appear and the online slot will be the new default option. If you need to, you can also connect the USB token at this point.
Step 5: Once the connection to the server has been established, the online slot is reserved for the duration of the initiated process. Afterwards it will be freed up again and will be available for the next process.
One more plus: Even if all online slots are occupied, you can start another process (or several more) and still select online slot activation. The process will then be queued. Once one of the active processes finishes, that online slot will become available and will automatically be used to start the next queued process.
Order one or more online slots for the term of one year.*
>>> Online Slots for HDClone in the Miray Shop
>>> Online Slots for HDShredder in the Miray Shop
Choose the automatic or the optional renewal in the shopping cart during your order:
Automatic renewal: Secure interruption-free slot availability. Automatic renewals can be cancelled up to 30 days before term ends.***
Optional renewal: The term and therefore the use of the slots ends automatically at the end of the year. You will be notified in time to remind you of the option to renew at the guaranteed price.
Online slots are each assigned to a specific license. If you wish to assign several slots to multiple licenses, please contact us by email after placing your order and let us know how many slots you would like to assign to which license.
No extra cost for online slots when updating
If you decide to update your license to a newer version during the annual term of the online slots, they will then automatically apply to the new version without any additional update fees for the online slots.
When the annual term ends
Once the year is up, you can of course renew your online slots for another year.
If you find you no longer need the slots after the year, they will simply be omitted and you can continue to use the license as before with the original activation options.**
*) Online slots require Miray's internet server infrastructure to be held available, they are therefore offered as an optional, annually-based addition to existing licenses. Prepaid multi-year terms are also possible, if interested please contact us.
**) After a term has finished and you decide to not renew the online slot option, you may opt-in to online slots again at a later time. However, the guaranteed renewal price only applies to seamlessly consecutive renewals.
***) When purchasing online slots, "automatic renewal" is preselected. You can change this selection in the shopping cart.
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