New Release: HDClone 8


Munich. We are pleased to present version 8 of our tried-and-trusted tool, HDClone!

HDClone 8 offers the ideal cloning software to copy, save and recover data – for private users, professionals, companies and for industrial use.

The new HDClone 8 remains the product that our customers have come to know and appreciate, and it now includes new additional features and innovations.

HDClone 8 – What's New?

Take a look at our data sheet and the product page, which is currently being updated, to learn more about all important features that HDClone8 has to offer along with additional information.

Highlights of the Professional Edition

  • Mac support: APFS and DMG
  • File access for ReFS, Ext, BtrFS, XFS
  • Virtual Disks of images now also self-booting
  • Tablet PCs: Virtual Keyboard, eMMC & SD
  • HDClone/L: Wi-Fi & protected network shares

HDClone 8 is now available in our Online Shop. Experience HDClone 8 for yourself!


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