Miray Software on SYSTEMS 2007


The company Miray Software will participate in the SYSTEMS exposition in Munich (hall A2, stand 312) this year. Highlights are the recent advancements of the operating system Symobi. The stand-alone-tools HDClone and HDShredder will be presented in new versions.

The real-time operating system Symobi now also offers a VNC client with which Windows, Linux, and MAC systems can be operated remotely over a network with a graphical terminal. The operating system on the embedded platform IXP will be presented with a sample point-of-sale application, which can be operated with a touch panel. Additionally, Symobi can now be operated better with a central graphical menu and task manager.

The stand-alone-tools of Miray Software are represented in new extended versions. HDShredder 3.2 now supports firewire. In HDClone 3.5 the new SmartCopy mode can be selected. Unlike physical 1:1-copies, this function does not require to clone the whole medium in most cases. The logical 1:1-copy only considers the amount of data that is saved on a medium. The SmartCopy mode therefore accelerates cloning by a multiple.

Miray Software will present the new products on the SYSTEMS 2007 exposition in hall A2 at stand 312 (Bayern Innovativ). There will be several PCs available for live demos, so the products can be tested. In addition, the development team will be at your disposal for personal interviews that can be arranged with us. Further Information and free-of-charge guest tickets (regular price 35 euros) can be found here: http://www.miray.de/home/systems2007.html.

Homepage of Symobi: http://www.symobi.com
Web page of HDClone: http://www.miray.de/products/sat.hdclone.html
Web page of HDShredder: http://www.miray.de/products/sat.hdshredder.html


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