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SDK Release?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2002 2:35 pm
by dibee
Ist bereits bekannt, wann ein sdk relase fertig sein wird, oder wann ein Compiler raus kommt?

Re: SDK Release?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 25, 2002 12:40 pm
by Alex
Aufgrund der sich immer wieder ändernden Schnittstellenspezifikationen ist SDK zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht sehr sinnvoll. Die APIs für die gesamten GUI-Elemente stehen zwar im Groben schon fest, können sich aber noch ändern; Entwickeln mit solch unfertigen SDKs würde schnell frustrieren, deshalb wird ein SDK erst veröffentlicht, wenn diese Schnittstellen feststehen. Wann dies sein wird, kann ich zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht sagen, das hängt vom Erscheinungszeitpunkt der nächsten Versionen ab.

Re: SDK Release?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 8:14 am
by Johann
Could someone please re-answer that in english?

Re: SDK Release?

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 11:48 am
by Alex
Johann Wrote:
> Could someone please re-answer that in english?

Of course:
Due to the fact the interface definitions for the SDK are constantly varying, at this moment it is not *that* useful to publish one. The APIs for the entire GUI elements are almost definite, but we can't be sure yet they won't change again; Developing with such unfinished SDKs is a very frustrating job, therefore the SDK will be published only when the interfaces are finalized (for one version at least). I can't tell when this will be, it is heavily depending on the release schedule of the next µnOS-Versions.

Thats for the old text. What I can tell now is that after programming the HDClone, several changes in the API were made, but I thing a stable base has been reached. I again cannot name any date of publication, but things have changed (and as I think also improved) a lot, so when the current µnOS is out, there might be a chance to get a SDK with APIs for the system, for text consoles and for any flavour of window management.
